February 5, 2012

Life right now

Life is too short to wake up with regrets..

So love the people who treat you right..

Forget about the ones who don't..

Believe everything happens for a reason

This is the latest quote I have receieved from my step mum and my goodness how it resonates and reflects my way of thinking at this minute.

I am feeling positive, I am making some positive changes, I am reminding myself of all I am grateful for...... and the Blog Weaver will be posting much more news and photos shortly.

Watch this space.....

(And heres a sneak wee preview of some special people who I am missing so so dearly, and will be blogging more about soon!)


  1. What a lovely photo!! you all look so happy!!!
    ...on another note I have some news that you may not have spotted yet....
    Let's think about everything happens for a reason...
    Don't you think that Hails and Matt moving to Melbourne is so that there is more of a crew awaiting you WHEN you move here?....
    just saying XXX

  2. What a really great quote. Life is too short for regrets xxxx

  3. Sarsy you are the cutest human ever. Melbourne is most definitely on the cards, not just yet...but it is very very tempting! (You and Hails anywhere in the world is very tempting to tell the truth!)
    Happy birthday Joan, been thinking of you

